Tips for Flood Proofing your Home
Here in the UK we’ve seen an increasing number of homes destroyed and even entire villages left sodden and in disarray by flooding in recent years - to the extent it has become a problem of our times. Whether this is due to global warming causing unusual weather patterns, the dredging of rivers or coastal erosion – or maybe even a combination of all three, with some other local factors thrown in – it’s difficult to pinpoint in many cases. So what can you do to arm yourself against the literal flood gates opening this winter? Here are some tips...
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The Birth of the Status Symbol
It’s not known when mankind became obsessed with wealth and status, but it was probably not long after we settled into farming communities and began spying on the Joneses next door. With much less need to hunt and gather, our ancestors had more time to make bigger, better or simply just decorative objects – like jewellery. And so the status symbol was born. Previous status symbols may seem strange to us, but I am sure years from now people will be mystified as to why we would spend so much on a watch, a car or a mobile phone!
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Beat the Winter Blues
UK winters are awful. Once past the distraction of Christmas and New Year we face at least two months of rubbish: grey skies, damp air, mud and drizzle. Even when we get snow it soon turns to sludge and slime. If you can, the best thing to do is to go somewhere warm for the length of January and February. And perhaps the first three weeks of March, just to be on the safe side. If, however, your income doesn’t allow you a twelve week holiday, follow these tips to help ward off the winter blues.
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Top Ten 007 Cars
After a recent announcement by Daniel Craig that he will be starring in the 25th 007 film, here is our top ten favourite Bond cars of the silver screen.
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25 Years of Speed Cameras in Britain
If you wish to start a controversial motoring-related debate at many a social gathering, just mentioned two words – ‘speed camera’. The arguments about cameras usage look set to continue for many years to come. They seem to have been part of our lives for generations, so it comes as quite a surprise to learn that their first use in the UK was as recently as 25 years ago.
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